CSRA | National Restaurant Assoc. 2023 Fall Government Affairs Conference
Check out restaurant recommendations from the Arizona Restaurant Association.
Wednesday, November 15
Breakfast on your own
9–11 a.m. Breakouts
- CEO: Citrus Room
- GR Staff: Orangedale Ballroom
11–11:30 a.m. FTC Plan to Ban Restaurant Fees
Brennan Duckett and Mike Whatley, National Restaurant Association
11:30 a.m.–noon Around the Nation
- What is happening with drive-thru bans? Moderated by Michael Aguilar, Inspire Brands, with Scott Bierman,Georgia Restaurant Association, and Dan Bogert Arizona Restaurant Association.
- Cottage Food Bill. Moderated by Greg Astley, Oregon Restaurant & Lodging Association, and Dan Bogert Arizona Restaurant Association
Noon–1 p.m. Lunch and CSRA Awards Launch
1–1:30 p.m. Lightning Talks II
Moderated by Joe Wallace, National Restaurant Association
- John McNamara, Michigan Restaurant & Lodging Association on the Ann Arbor Natural Gas topic
- Colin Larson, Colorado Restaurant Association on their Scheduling Bill
1:30–2:30 p.m. Around the Nation II
- Immigration reforms: learn how the Texas Restaurant Association worked with FWD.US to support advocacy on immigration reform, from grassroots to the halls of congress. Kelsey Streufert, Texas Restaurant Association
- Ballot Initiatives landscape around the nation, tracking what is in progress and approaches with John Lane, Washington Hospitality Association on Scheduling, Tod Bowen, Ohio Restaurant Association on Rejection of the State Constitutional Amendment, and Jessica Muradian, Massachusetts Restaurant Association, on the Millionaires Tax.