CSRA Northeast Regional - Boston, MA

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
11:00 AM (EDT)
to Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
Category: SRA Regional Events

The CSRA Northeast Regional event is designed specifically for SRA staff with a focus on , Communications, Marketing, Membership, and Workforce Development professionals. 


October 10
12:00 PM - 12:00 PM Registration/Lunch
12:00 PM - 12:30 PM Welcome Remarks and Introductions
12:30 PM - 5:15 PM Business Sessions
General Session: 12:30 -1:15 p.m. --- Breakout Sessions: 1:13-2:15 p.m. Communication, Foundation, Membership and Events. Each group will have 45 minutes to cull the top best practices from the SRAs to present back to the group. --- Breakout presentations: 2:30-4 p.m. --- General Session: 4-5:15 p.m.
5:15 PM - 7:30 PM Group Dinner
October 11
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Breakfast
9:30 AM - 1:00 PM General Session

Reservations should be made PRIOR to September 8, 2023

Register one of two ways:

  1. Book Now
  2. Call Central Reservations directly at 1-800-233-1234 and request a reservation, then you will need to mention that you need to reserve a room in the group block for the CSRA NE Regional group block. **Please be advised there may be long waiting periods when calling to book. Preferred method is online. **